Tag Archives: lying

Is democratic politics synonymous with lying?

27 Aug

Not three months passed since Hilary Clinton stated without equivocation that Barak Obama does not have enough experience to be Commander in Chief, nor President of the United States. At the Democrat National Convention, however, Senator Clinton said that Barak Obama was her candidate and must be elected President in November, 2008.

Did Barak Obama gain so much experience in the last few months to now be qualified as President, or was Senator Clinton being disingenuous, either at the Convention, or three months earlier.

If a child were to ask why the discrepancy exists, one would be told that this is politics: “You say things during the primaries that you then change when a candidate is chosen…”

The way we, the democratic society that we are, explain lies, is by saying that “this is politics, you exchange real and fiction, right and wrong, to suit the political landscape!”