Tag Archives: Allies forsaking the US a part of Hillary’s legacy

Is NSA, “the last straw?” Allies doubting or forsaking the US!

26 Oct

Turkey opted for a Chinese air-defense system over one made by the United States; the Saudis are willing to maintain the close intelligence ties it used to have with the United States, they are extremely upset with President Obama’s kowtowing to the Iranian, a Shiite enemy of Gulf Sunnis, and Norway would not assist in disposing of Syria’s chemical as the United States requested…Angela Merkel and other European leaders are considering a case in front of the United Nations to curb NSA eves dropping, and the United States foreign policy chasm with the world that Mrs. Clinton left behind is continuing to grow, and grow.
Contributing to the situation is another poor choice for Secretaries of State, and defense, by President Obama is another problem. At defense we have a man with “foxhole” experience, not one with any feel for the broad picture, and in State, the crucial foreign policy backbone ended up with John Kerry, perhaps a nice man, but only a mediocre politician, and like Mrs. Clinton before him, no diplomatic skills.
Obama’s legacy is likely to remain a disaster short of Obamacare becoming a success! If the ACA fails, President Obama would likely go into history as The United States worst President of modern times…