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Obama’s scrapping Europe missle defense increases Western dependency on Israel, and the begining of a return to US isolationism:

18 Sep

Obama’s systematic abandoning his allies in favor of courting historical foes of the United States, will force “the West” to deal with Iran’s nuclear and long range missile threats through “the good offices” of the tiny, but mighty, state of Israel.

Obama’s Islamic roots seem to keep him from confronting Iran, or any other Islamic entity in spite the danger they may represent to the Western nations. The American President seem to also fear Vladimir Putin who seems to have his way with the young and timid American President.

President Obama seems to sacrifice the traditional allies of the United States. His dealing with allies is totally out of character with historical United States behavior. Since allies seem not to present obstacles, turning against them is easier than confronting enemies, and Barak Obama appears to have chosen that latter route.

We do not subscribe to the theory that Democrats are soft on defense, even though Barak Obama clearly fits that mold. His actions, which continue to weaken the United States, are clearly in line with what Hillary Clinton predicted when trying to become a presidential candidate Obama behaviore is also consistent with what the Republicans accuse him of being, a man weak on security.

Barak Obama seems to consistently turn against allies, be they personal (i.e. the Reverend Wright, and Bill Ayers.) or national allies (i.e. Europe, and Israel.)  The chasm Obama created between the Unites States and Israel comes at a very bad time for the Western alliance, since Israel may be the only credible deterrent to Iran’s nuclear threat.

Scrapping the missile defense effort for Europe while increasing the gap between the United States and Israel, are steps towards isolating the United States, returning it to its standing of the Fifties.

Failing domestic policies coupled with international isolationism  are moving President Barak Hussein Obama closer to earning the position of the worst President that the United States ever had.